Community, Compassion, and Collaboration: Trader Interactive’s Involvement in United Way’s Book Campaign

In a heartwarming endeavor that blends philanthropy, education, and community support, Trader Interactive proudly teamed up with the United Way of South Hampton Roads for their impactful “100K Books for 100 Years” campaign. Through this inspiring collaboration, Trader Interactive employees have demonstrated their commitment to nurturing young minds and empowering a brighter future for generations to come.

The essence of the “100K Books for 100 Years” campaign lies in its mission to provide 100,000 books to children over a century, fostering a love for reading and learning that spans generations. United Way’s unwavering dedication to community development aligns seamlessly with Trader Interactive’s commitment to making a positive impact beyond the business realm.

In support of this initiative, employees from Trader Interactive all contributed quotes meant to uplift and encourage young minds to find a passion for reading. Members of the TI team then came together to meticulously adorned one hundred books with these heartfelt inscriptions, each carrying a message of empowerment, encouragement, and optimism.

United Way and The Reach Foundation plan to distribute these books through various channels, such as back-to-school drives, for teachers to stock their classrooms, and for students during the holiday season ensuring that they serve as catalysts for education and growth. 

As Trader Interactive and United Way of South Hampton Roads continue to build on this remarkable partnership, their joint commitment to education, community development, and the growth of young minds shines as an inspiration.